Friday 22 November 2013

Concealed Treasures

Despite the Romans best efforts to conceal the remainder of the bible from the face of the Earth like a veld fire the truth has spread through out the centuries, truths about the lost books deeming the bible to be hand picked from more than we think. Just how much do we know about what we think we know if at all we know anything for for all we know we know nothing at all, totally oblivious to the truths strategically kept from our reach.

Now to a faithless hethern such finding would cause a paradigm shift to the core of their stability and they would opt to give up the foundation of their life's which is Christianity,the lack of a concrete cornerstone in their lives will cloud their judgement,at some point in time we all think perhaps we have all been brainwashed into a religion so unstable if not the most, never has there been a religion with so many subdivisions all claiming to be the light of the patchy road leading to humanity's salvation why is this so?if you claim never to have thought this your lying .its in our  nature to question anything we invest our time and most importantly our souls into ,doing otherwise would truly be reckless if not irresponsible.  

As Christians we pray different than one another, we view and interpret the bible differently yet we claim to all believe in Christ the messiah why is this so, perhaps we are all missing something. Other religions move in unison, are immovable have rock solid foundations either we are missing something or they just hide their imperfections perfectly. Such a weak image we are painting on our irreplaceable canvas which is this earth, we are here to win souls for God yet we get so caught up in our own controversies we forget why we are even here in the first place. This life is not our own, we are all purposely placed here to play a role, and as Christians we are failing dismally at the task at hand.

Whatever the case Christ did say and I quote "in the beginning was the word, the word was with me and the word was Me." coincidence or not that this particular verse happens to be among  the pieces of the bible that the Romans deemed necessary to pick from the rest of the lost books, the hidden treasures, the 66 book love letter will be the key to the salvation of our souls or a planned vendetta to an inevitable Doom. Nonetheless, my faith remains unshaken. We can only await our fate as passersby on this earth only time will tell.


I Am Yahweh's Princess 

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