You've got to believe in something,
even when all hope is gone and faith is depleted we are all bound to the hip
like Siamese by our belief in that one thing, always wanting to be the end
product of his pottery Jeremiah, by that constant discomfort of wondering if at
the end he'll call you daughter or look you in the eye and say you’re a liar
You've just got to believe in
something, in case you’re wondering he sees the depth of your heart and he
loves you the same, but by nature ,our worldly ways compel us to hide and not
seek still he loves us so much he's willing to play that game, I am is His name
When you've found that one
true belief surely your heart will know, you can go astray even rebel but you
will never ever let go, My friends you got to believe in something but of
course I'd rather it be His majesty clothed in his Holy Robe!!
Sometimes when I feel myself
slipping from Gods grip I tend to allow the devil to condemn me, I forget who I
am and who I belong to, I want to hide from him as though he doesn’t have an HD
clear view of me, I forget that he sees the depth of my heart and he loves me
the same, I forget that he came not for the perfect but for sinners like me
But most importantly as long as I have
said yes to his I'm a part of the flock of sheep he shepherds he will call out
to me when I go astray.
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalms 18
You've got to believe in
P.S I am Yahweh’s Princess